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9 April 2014

My name is Merlyn and this is how I accepted Islam

I am Merlyn, 38 years old, an unmarried nurse with 3 beautiful kids, a Filipino Muslim revert. I know it may seem quite confusing and surprising how I have kids without being married My complicated situation led me eventually to embrace Islam and this is my story.
I was born in a Catholic family, 9 siblings in all, the second-born and the eldest daughter. We had a normal life but I’m really amazed how well my parents were able to raise us all, they were struggling I know but we lived a comfortable life. I believed somehow God has been guiding us all the time. As I recall, our family were trying all our best to fulfill our religious duties like going to church every Sunday to hear the mass, but we were not that consistent. My confusion and soul-searching phase started during my late years in high school and it went on till I established my nursing career. I was not satisfied with my spiritual being, something was missing in my life, and I was not happy and contented at all. This feeling led me to having a relationship with a married man who was entangled in marital problems which eventually caused him to separate with his wife. I stayed in this relationship for 12 long years, out of wedlock Astaghfirullah, and was blessed with three children. I always thought maybe sooner or later we would be able to get married. But it was not a life of bed of roses at all; it was full of hardships; we were struggling; I realized so because it was not right from the start.
I received a job offer in Jeddah as a private nurse for a Muslim elderly woman and I accepted it without any hesitation although my ex-husband was opposing to. He was working in Dubai that time and up to this moment. Primarily I took the job because his earnings were not sufficient to cover all our expenses so I had no other choice. I flew to Jeddah on August 2010, Ramadan 1432, leaving my children in the care of my parents, with only hope that this journey will suffice our needs without knowing that it was the first step that changed my whole life completely.
The sweet old lady (I’ll name her Mama) that I’m caring for influenced me somehow towards my closeness to Islam. I arrived in her house at the time of Ramadan so I have witnessed right away her close family ties – full of love and respect. Everyone seemed to be happy, delighted to see each other every day to break their fast, praying together and the generosity I’ve experienced although I was just new to their family. I felt I was home right away, because they welcomed me with their wide open arms. I had a basic knowledge of the religious routines of Muslims because of my previous work; this came in handy as I needed to assist Mama with her daily activities. I had learned how to assist her in performing ablution and adorning her prayer cloak.
Mama and I were getting along well because we liked to tell stories, stories that you can find both in the Quran and the Bible. It was like comparing notes, the similarities of the stories in the two Books. Once she asked me “How many gods do you believe in?” It was a very simple question and I gave her a simple answer “Only one.” And she replied, “Then it’s enough, that’s the most important thing that you believe in the existence of only one God. And that you should worship Him alone.” Right there and then, everything flashed back to me, the sight of churches with all the statues inside, lighting candles for it, images of saints, the feasts of saints. Am I really worshipping only God? Aren’t all these things are form of idolatry? I asked myself.
This led me to start reading all about Islam through the Internet. I started surfing every Islamic Learning about the 5 pillars of Islam, reading about “Tawheed”, the oneness of Allah, understanding its fundamentals. It was a great revelation for me, I was lost and confused in my beliefs all the while and Islam showed me the truth. I finally found my inner peace, SubhanAllah!
I continued with my research, I watched the movie “The Message” which really moved me, how Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) lived all his life for Islam. It was in July 2011 when I had the chance to visit a Dawah Center; Mama was in Makkah and since I was not yet a Muslim then, I wasn’t able to accompany her. I grabbed this chance to learn more about Islam formally. Initially my intention was to attend regular classes to understand the Islamic concepts; I can’t read nor speak Arabic so I thought this could be a hindrance. But the sisters in the Dawah Center were all very supportive and encouraged me to do Shahadah already since I had a strong will to learn about Islam. They said Allah would make everything easy for those who are willing to learn. Alhamdulillah I did my Shahadah on the 8th of July 2011, all the sisters in the center warmly welcomed me, giving me all the reading materials I needed. It was a very nice feeling, indescribable but all I knew in my heart was that I was doing the right thing. Right there and then, I adorned the hijab and from then on it never leaves my head when I am out in public. I started praying with the help of a guide given by the center, memorised the sequence of prayers in 2 days and after 2 weeks, I was able to pray without the guide, SubhanAllah! Indeed, Allah makes it easy for those who are willing to learn.
It was not an easy road for me at first from the moment I became a Muslim. I had to deal with my family and my ex-husband with hope that he would eventually embrace Islam too so we could finally get married. But it didn’t happen that way, he wouldn’t accept me being a Muslim and blamed me instead for bringing shame to his family. I knew right then that we were never really meant for each other. I had to end my relationship with him since I was a Muslim already, and it wouldn’t be acceptable in Islam. My thoughts were with my children, worried how I may be able to raise them well now that I had separated with their father. I put my trust instead in Allah and believed He will guide me and my children and I was right. He was there all the time, letting me learn from all my mistakes and always finding my way back, Alhamdulillah! He created me as a fighter but now it made more sense because I was standing for the truth. Alhamdulillah, my family respected my decision and supported me with my new faith, being cautious of our beliefs, do’s and don’ts. All they want is my happiness and I’m so blessed to have them, Alhamdulillah!
I have celebrated Ramadan for 2 years now, performed Umrah for few times and performed Hajj recently, Alhamdulillah! Life may have never been easy for me before but since I became a Muslim, things are getting better now, Alhamdulillah! I am so grateful to Mama and all her family for they have been very supportive of me all the way, for their generosity that has enabled me to raise my children on my own. May Allah reward them with good.
A big challenge for me now was to raise my children to be practicing Muslims while under the care of my non-Muslim family. I decided to buy a new house near to an Islamic community so that soon they could start their Islamic schooling. One step at a time, with Allah’s grace, everything is happening as planned, Alhamdulillah! May Allah continue to strengthen my Iman, that I may be able to raise my children in His way, that I may influence my family, that soon they will all accept Islam, Insha’Allah.
“My Lord! Truly, I am in need of whatever good that You bestow on me!” (Qur’an 28:24) I will continue to live by these words, I will continue to follow the Right Path, and I will remain Muslim until my last breath, Insha’Allah. I don’t regret anything in my past because it all led me to Islam, SubhanaAllah!
Merlyn Tayo

5 Pesanan Syeikh Ahmad Yasin kepada Pemuda & Pemudi

1) Wahai anak-anakku, telah tiba saatnya kalian kembali kepada ALLAH swt dengan meninggalkan pelbagai keseronokan dan kealpaan kehidupan dan menyingkirkannya jauh daripada kehidupan kalian. Telah tiba saatnya kalian bangun dan melakukan solat subuh secara berjemaah. Sudah sampai saatnya untuk kalian menghiasi diri dengan akhlak yang mulia, mengamalkan kandungan al-Quran serta mencontohi kehidupan Nabi Muhammad saw.

2) Aku menyeru kalian wahai anak-anakku untuk solat tepat pada waktunya. Lebih dari itu, aku mengajak kalian wahai anak-anakku, untuk mendekat diri kepada sunnah Nabi kalian yang agung.

3) Wahai para pemuda, aku ingin kalian menyedari dan menghayati makna tanggung jawab. Kalian harus tegar menghadapi kesulitan hidup dengan meninggalkan keluh kesah. Aku menyeru kalian untuk menghadap ALLAH SWT dan memohon keampunan dari-Nya agar Dia memberi rezeki yang berkat kepada kalian. Aku menyeru kalian supaya menghormati orang yang lebih tua dan menyayangi orang yang lebih muda.Aku ingin kalian tidak tertidur oleh alunan-alunan muzik yang melalaikan, melupakan kata-kata yang menyebutkan cinta kepada manusia dan dunia serta menggantikannya dengan kata amal, kerja dan zikir kepada ALLAH. Wahai anak-anakku, aku amat berharap kalian tidak sibuk dengan muzik dan tidak terjerumus ke dalam arus syahwat.

4) Wahai puteriku, aku ingin kalian berjanji kepada ALLAH akan mengenakan hijab secara jujur dan betul. Aku meminta kalian berjanji kepada ALLAH bahawa kalian akan mengambil peduli tentang agama dan Nabi kalian yang mulia. Jadikanlah ibunda kalian, Khadijah dan Aisyah, sebagai teladan. Jadikan mereka sebagai pelita hidup kalian. Haram hukumnya bagi kalian untuk melakukan sesuatu yang boleh menarik perhatian pemuda supaya mendekati kalian.Kepada semua, aku ingin kalian bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi segala sesuatu yang akan datang. Bersiaplah dengan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan. Bersiaplah untuk belajar dan mencari hikmah. Belajarlah bagaimana hidup dalam kegelapan yang pekat. Latihlah diri kalian agar dapat hidup tanpa elektrik dan peralatan elektronik. Latihlah diri kalian untuk sementara waktu merasakan kehidupan yang sukar.

5) Biasakan diri kalian agar dapat melindungi diri dan membuat perancangan untuk masa depan. Berpeganglah kepada agama kalian. carilah sebab-sebabnya dan tawakal kepada ALLAH.


Who is Rachel Corrie?

Mungkin anda pernah mendengar nama Rachel Corrie tetapi tahukah anda siapakah insan hebat ini?

Ayuh kenali pemudi bernama Rachel ini. 

Beliau merupakan seorang aktivis kemanusiaan warga Amerika Syarikat yang berjuang demi pembebasan Palestin. Beliau menyertai International Solidarity Movement (ISM) dan mengambil keputusan drastik dengan menangguhkan pembelajaran beliau di Kolej Evergreen untuk menyertai bantuan kemanusiaan di Rafah, Palestin.

Beliau bukan sahaja sgt prihatin terhadap isu Palestin tetapi sgt prihatin terhadap isu kemanusiaan sejagat sejak beliau masih kecil lagi. Maka, tidak hairanlah beliau sanggup terbang dari Amerika ke Palestin atas dasar kemanusiaan.

Suatu tragedi telah menimpa beliau sewaktu beliau menjalankan aktiviti kemanusiaan di Rafah. Tragedi ini berlaku pada siang hari sewaktu puak pengganas Zionis sedang rakus memusnahkan rumah penduduk Palestin.

Pembunuhan seorang aktivis wanita ini sememangnya tidak dapat dimaafkan dan dilupakan. Keganasan askar Israel jelas kelihatan apabila pemandu tersebut membunuh Rachel bukan dengan menggunakan jengkaut biasa. Sebaliknya, jengkaut yang digunakan adalah jengkaut berteknologi tinggi yang dilengkapi dengan senjata api dan cermin kalis peluru, iaitu jengkaut Catterpillar D9 yang telah diubahsuai oleh IDF.

Inilah kisah tragedi kejam yang menimpa seorang aktivis pada 16 Mac 2003. Tragedi ini seharusnya membuka mata masyarakat dunia tentang kekejaman dan kerakusan puak Zionis. Mereka bukan sahaja suka membunuh umat Islam, mereka juga akan membunuh sesiapa sahaja yang menjadi batu penghalang kemaraan mereka untuk menguasai dunia.

Marilah kita bersama-sama mengambil pengajaran daripada peristiwa ini. Gadis Amerika berjuang untuk Palestin hingga mengorbankan nyawanya. Kita?

Kita patut malu pada diri sendiri. Apakah cukup usaha yg telah kita lakukan demi membantu saudara2 kita di Palestin?

Tepuk dada tanya iman kita!

sumber: Aqsa Syarif

3 April 2014

Apa itu KIMIA SUMBER? ( Resource Chemistry)


Entry ni khas buat pelajar lepasan stpm, matrikulasi dan asasi. Aku tulis ni, bukan kerana aku pakar dalam bidang ni. Tapi sekadar nak share apa yang aku tahu. Manalah tahu kalau-kalau ada yang dapat program Kimia sumber lepastu tak tahu apa tu Kimia Sumber. Tengah exam pon sempat lagi nak update blog kan ? mohon hargai. hihi. takdelah. benda ni sebenarnya dah lama diperam kat draft. Baru hari sepat publish. So, today i wanna explain briefly about resource chemistry since i am resource chemistry's student. Sebab dulu masa mula-mula aku dapat program ni, aku tertanya tanya , benda apakah ini? Pelbagai persoalan yang timbul di dalam kepala otak. Antaranya:
  • apa yang aku akan belajar dalam kos ni?
  • best ke kos ni?
  • lepas graduate boleh kerja apa dengan kos ni?
  • susah tak kos ni?
  • sapa ja yang boleh amek kos ni? 

Kalau kau dapat sambung kos ni dekat UNIMAS, Kimia Sumber ni adalah program di bawah naungan Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi Sumber. Aku tak tahu uni mana lagi yang menawarkan program ni. Rasanya ada, tapi tak banyak. Jadi jika anda terpilih untuk menyambung ijazah dalam bidang kimia sumber, tempoh masa belajar adalah 3 tahun je. Memang singkat, tapi penat, dan bahagia :') Biasanya, kalau dari matrik pointer requirement 2.5 keatas kot. Kalau tak salah lah. Sebab requirement ni boleh berubah setiap tahun, almaklumlah, korang kan makin pandai. :P Pasal asasi aku tat tau sangat. Kawan aku kata 2.5 ketas jugak. Kalau STPM dan diploma serius aku tak tau berapa pointer depa mau. Ngeeee~ Macamtulah kot cerita dia. 

Antara subjek yang korang akan belajar adalah:
  • ·      Physical chemistry 1
    ·       Mathematics  
    ·       Organic Chemistry 1             
    ·       Inorganic Chemistry 1                                   
    ·       Statistics
    ·       Organic Chemistry 2 
    ·       Inorganic Chemistry 2                                   
    ·       Molecular Spectroscopy                   
    ·       Polymer Chemistry
    ·       Environmental Chemistry 1
    ·       Biochemistry             
    ·       Physical Chemistry 2
    ·       Analytical Chemistry 2         
    ·       Environmental Chemistry
    ·       Food Chemistry
    ·       Environmental Chemistry 2
    ·       Organic Synthesis
    ·       Petroleum Chemistry
    ·       Natural product
    ·       Forensic Chemistry
    ·       Special Topics in Chemistry
Aku tulis subjek, yang penting-penting je dulu. Nanti korang cekidout sendiri okeh dalam buku panduan pelajar yang fakulti bagi. Susah tak? hm, kalau tak belajar susahlah. Ilmu itu tak akan diperolehi dengan tubuh badan yang lemah, malas dan manja. :) 

Untuk sem 1 dinasihatkan, agar anda-anda supaya jangan main-main. Pulon habeh-habeh okeh! Sebab biasanya, masa sem 1, pelajar biasanya "lambat sedar". Asyik nak main. Mungkin sebab dia pikir universiti ni zaman petik jari. Tidak sayang tidak. Zaman ini bukan zaman petik jari, ini zaman penat lelah. Kau akan diuji dari segala aspek, bukan sekadar ujian di atas kertas. Bukan zaman peperiksaan semata. This is the place where you can test your ability in softskills, teamworks, independence, leadership, aishh banyak lagi lah. Pensyarah kimia sumber UNIMAS semua baik-baik jeh, insyaAllah, korang tayah risau. Berbaik-baik dengan pensyarah, sebab diorang banyak sangat ilmu, cedok jangan tak cedok. Pensyarah kimia sumber Unimas semua hebat-hebat. Serius! Lain pensyarah, lain cara penyampaiannya. Jadi korang kenalah main peranan untuk sesuaikan diri. Zaman ni dah takde cikgu yang nak suap kau dik. Kau kena suap diri sendiri. Berdikari. 

Lab report ke, esaimen ke, tutorial ke, buat betul-betul tau. Sebab semua tu sangat penting untuk polish kau punya kimia (macam pelik ayat ni). Carrymark tu jaga okeh. Selalunya midterm 30%, esaimen+tutorial 30%, dan final exam 40%. 

Soalan paling femes yang budak-budak selalu tanya bila dapat kos ni ialah, bila graduate boleh kerja apa? Haha. Takpa, hakak faham. Masyarakat pon sering tanya kita boleh kerja apa bila ambil kos ni. Jadi apa?? Jadi chemist lah. A certifite chemist. A chemist that will work at many places. Analysis Lab, Hospital, forensik lab, petroleum industry, oil industry, food industry, school, Jabatan Kimia Malaysia dan banyak lagi. Alah korang tayah risau, nanti masa permohonan latihan industri korang akan jumpa macam macam tempat yang perlukan chemist. Satu je hakak nak pesan, niat study tu, jangan kerana kerja semata tau, tapi niatkan kerana Allah. Rugilah, kalau niat kerana kerja semata. Sungguh rugi. 


inilah banggunan FSTS. ada bilik kuliah, bilik tutor dan makmal
Next, pasal lab. Sebelum masuk lab make sure korang faham experiment yang korang nak buat tu supaya tak tonggeng terbalik. Aku adalah salah satu contoh manusia yang malas baca lab manual sebelum lab. Masa dalam lab baru kalot nak baca. Hihi. tapi sem ni dah lain sikit. People change! And then masa buat lab report make sure buat betol betol. Jangan asal buat je. Jangan asal copy paste dari internet je. Try jugak rujuk buku dekat library. CAIS ada banyak sangat buku chemistry yang boleh dirujuk. Benda ni korang kena faham betol betol sebab benda benda ni lah yang korang akan aplikasi masa Final Year Project! Kalau korang curious tentang final year project, gy je redah makmal budak final year. Tanya pasal projek diorang. Boleh jugak tambah ilmu. Tapi redah dengan adab lah tau. Kalau dah nampak kawan tu macam takmau layan hang, hang pi lah cari budak final year lain. InsyaAllah ramai je yang jenis suka cerita dan share pasai projek depa. At least, bila kau expose awal tentang fyp ni, boleh lah kau prepare sikit-sikit masa third year. Mintak tips fyp dari diorang. Kalau rajin, nanti aku tulis pasal FYP. Doakan eh! :)

Ada benda aku nak pesan untuk bakal bakal student kimsum. Sebelum kelas make sure you prepare. I mean, you should print the notes from morpheus and read it. Read the notes before class is really helpful. Kalau ada kenal senior keceklah mintak nota ke, buku ke. Aku pon boleh bagi nota, tapi softcopylah. Yang hardcopy dah nazak sangat nak bagi pon. Kalau nak nota email aku okeh. InsyaAllah kalau wi-fi laju aku hantar secepatnya. :) Aku tak tahu nak tulis pasal apa lagi, kalau ada soalan komenlah bawah ni, kalau aku perasan aku reply, haha. Ataupon email je soalan yang nak tanya tu. Kalau aku mampu, aku jawab, kalau tak mampu aku tanya kawan aku. ngehehe. 

Belajaq rajin rajin hokeh, jangan ponteng kelas, jangan suruh kawan sign attendance, jangan tidur dalam kelas. Hehe. 

Kepada pemuda-pemudi islam di luar sana, gunakan ilmu yang ada untuk tegak kan islam semula. Jadilah manusia bermanfaat untuk ummah. Ummah ini sedang tenat. Ummah ini sangat perlukan anda-anda. Sekian . Moga bermanfaat =) 


Edited Version 2016