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2 September 2016

September wishlist.

Salam Alayk.

This is just a random post. Might not give any benefits to you. This post is just for me. Hope that I can fight to make it happen. Biiznillah.

1. Attend a Walimah
She is the one do not give up on me, that make be a better version of Fatin. I really hope that I can attend her wedding. I want to be part of her beautiful day. InsyaAllah. By the way, the ticket flight is quite cheap. RM 100 for return flight, KUL-PEN. Told ya, murah gila. Better naik flight lah, naik bas is so tiring. Heharap direzkikan untuk pergi.

2. Imanshoppe
Dah lama pendam perasaan ni. Teringin nak pi sini sebab kedai ni ada banyak buku dalam wishlist aku. I hope that I can visit this place after the walimah. But still, kalau dapat pi pon, tiada fulus mau beli all those wishlist books of  mine. Ambil bau pon jadilah.

3. Happy ending of my internship life
oh yeah, internship is coming to an end this september. I wish I gained something here. I wish I will be a better person after this. Nak pulon cari kerja pula lepas ni, semoga Allah permudahkan,

4. Buy mak and abah ticket to Sarawak for my convocation day,
I wish to work harder so that I can have my mak and abah besides me on my graduation day. I really want them to come. So, I wish Allah ease me to buy tickets for them. Kerja part time cuci tandas pon ok. I will be so Alhamdulillah if I can buy it for them on my own efforts.

That all for now. Kalau sudi, tolonglah doakan impian saya jadi kenyataan. Jazakilllah awak awak. :')

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