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29 March 2013



finally , i wrote againt ! long time no write .. haha .. well , i am busy preparing for the exam .. it just around the corner .. :) so tired .. thanks to Allah for giving me strength :')

a few weeks ago .. me and my classmates joined chem-amazed .. kinda chemistry's experiment project .. at first we do it just for fun and of coz to gain extra koko marks too .. haha , so funny when we were selected to the final .. all the group members sighed .. haha .. me too .. because  our experiment is just simple .. it will be a shamed !! by hook or by crook we have to do it .. haha .. sapa suroh pandai-2 hantar proposal ..

hmm .. kitorang dapat tempat ke tiga .. :) nama experiment kitorang  EXPLOSIVE FOAM .  in other words , we are producing bubbles that will explode when u bring it to flame without burning you bare hand . paham tak ?? tak paham sudah !! aku present hari final tu .. aduss malunyaaaa . walaupon tak ramai kat dalam DKB , aku still ketaq lutuit .. heee~ btw  i am so happy to create memory here, in kmk with my classmates .. here you go .. scene behind the story :) haha
from left : nadia , me , dila , yati , fatin n malin

busy busy ~

producing hydrogen bubbles

pose duluuu~~
p/s : i know my english broken .. ignore it :P i'm trying my best to improve it

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